Year 5

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Curriculum Map Summer Term 2 2024

 Summer 2

Curriculum Map Summer Term 1 2024

 Summer 1

Curriculum Map Spring Term 2 2024

Spring 2

Curriculum Map Spring Term 1 2024

Year 5 Spring 1 2024

Curriculum Map Autumn Term 2 2023

Year 5 Autumn 2 2023

Curriculum Map Autumn Term 2 2023

Year 5 Autumn 1 2023

Curriculum Map Summer Term 2 2023

Year 5 Summer Two 2023

Curriculum Map Summer Term 1 2023

Year 5 Summer One 2023

Below is the curriculum overview for the Spring 2 2023

Year 5 Spring 2 2023

Below is the curriculum overview for the Spring 1 2023

Year 5 Spring 1 2023

Below is the curriculum overview for the Autumn 2 2022

Year 5 Autumn 2 2022

Below is the curriculum overview for the Autumn 1 2022

Year 5 Autumn 1 2022

Our Christmas Jumper Design Competition winners…

Following on from their visit, the amazing Year 5s explained to the whole school what they’d done in an assembly

Visiting the Garden House Hospice…



Year 5 Curriculum Coverage View
Year 5 English Curriculum View
Year 5 Maths Curriculum View

Peartree Spring Primary School
Hydean Way

© 2021 Peartree Spring Primary School

Get in touch

01438 233900

Headteacher - Mrs Teresa Skeggs