Pupil Leaders

At Peartree, we know how important it is to nurture the talents of our future leaders. At the start of their year 6 journey, our children have the opportunity to speak to the whole school about why they feel they would make a good Head Boy or Head Girl. They write their speeches and deliver them in a special ‘election’ assembly. Children from Years 1 through 6 listen to their peers and vote for the person that they believe will be best suited to the role of Head Boy or Head Girl. From here, our Pupil Leadership team develops.

Our Head Boy and Head Girl; Harry and Sanaya.

Our Deputy Head Boys and Girls; Ethan, Ajus, Lottie and Angela.

Our Assistant Head Boys and Girls; Ashton, Reegan, Abigail and Megan.

Our Pupil Leaders; Tamara, Ruffta, Emily, Mela, Erin, Layci-May, Belle, Summer, Paige, Macie, Lexi, Jess, Tosia, Ruby, Mia, Lillie-G, Elisa, Frankie, Onyi, Jessica, Isabelle, Emanuella, Brodie, Thomas, Shai, Siddiq, Lucas, Henry, Bradley, Tyler, Samuel, Ronnie, Kyle, Freddie, Riley and Eddie. 

Our Pupil Leadership team work to develop their communication skills, their creativity, their trustworthiness and their ability to take on additional responsibilities. The key events in our Pupil Leader calendar are Harvest Festival, Remembrance, the Carol Concert, our Open Evening and Leavers.  These public events allow our Pupil Leaders to take the lead and demonstrate their confidence and oracy skills.

Their weekly responsibilities include

  • providing lunchtime support in the dining rooms and on the playground
  • supporting the delivery of our weekly Celebration Assembly
  • greeting visitors to the school
  • representing the school as needed
  • being good role models at all times

Pupil Leader Meeting Minutes

Pupil Leader Minutes 18 01 23

House Captains

At Peartree Spring, the children are sorted into House Teams when they enter Foundation Stage. Throughout the year, we have many house events where our houses come together. We have 4 house captains from Year 6 for each house. The captains are elected by the children within their house.

Red House – Danny, Tyler and Paige

Yellow House – Thomas, Jess and Mela

Green House – Samuel, Erin and Belle

Blue House – Onyi, Tosia, Kyle and Bradley




Peartree Spring Primary School
Hydean Way

© 2021 Peartree Spring Primary School

Get in touch

01438 233900

Headteacher - Mrs Teresa Skeggs