
Class Charters

We encourage children to take responsibility for their own learning by promoting our children to work together with their classmates to create their Class Charter. Children share their ideas to create a charter that determines the rules and expectations of their classroom. Every Class Charter acts as a reminder of the expectations that our classmates have for each other, and the actions that create a positive learning environment. Here are some of our creative Class Charters from across our school:

Golden Time Displays

Our ‘Golden Time’ displays showcase our Stars of the Week, providing children the chance to feel proud and the encouragement to aim high! The sunshine charts promote positive behaviour and provide a visual reminder to children to ensure they demonstrate high standards of behaviour.

Rights Respecting Steering Group

As a Rights Respecting School, our Steering Group help support the Right to Play (Article 31) by letting the adults on duty know when they can see other children supporting this. Each teacher has some special stickers to hand out on these occassions.

Playtime Fun and Games

To help support positive behaviour choices, we provide a large selection of games and activities for our children at playtime and lunchtime.

Here are a couple of examples of what is on offer on a weekly basis.


Our Buddies are an invaluable support during playtimes. Find out more about them on their very own page – Buddies

Pupil Leader Support

Our Pupil Leaders are made up of our magnificent year 6 children who take pride in supporting the younger children. You can find out more about them on their very own page – Pupil Leaders.

Celebrating Success

Our weekly Celebration Assembly gives us a chance to celebrate our learning. Each week there is a Star of the Week chosen in each class. During the assembly, their wonderful learning or behaviour is shared with everyone. Key Stage One classes select a Monster Phonics Star, and Key Stage Two select a TTRockstar. We also celebrate: attendance winners, house point winners, birthdays, School Games Values Award winners and the WOW Travel Tracker Award.


This is what our children have to say about the app…


Using the Marvellous Me helps us share wonderful learning and social behaviour that we see in school with the adults at home. The app allows us to award badges for a wide variety of behaviour and news about what individuals have got up to each day.

We have created a selection of our own badges to reflect our own ethos.

Learn more about the app…


Peartree Spring Primary School
Hydean Way

© 2021 Peartree Spring Primary School

Get in touch

01438 233900

Headteacher - Mrs Teresa Skeggs