Welcome to Starfish Class – it’s lovely to have you here!
Your Teacher is Miss Brown.
Your Teaching Assistant is Mrs Cela.
We are super excited to show you our classroom and our learning!
Spring term
This term, our key text is ‘The Dragon Machine’, by Helen Ward. We will be writing diary entries, character descriptions and using punctuation to aid our reading fluency. Then, we will identify features of fiction texts and use these to help us to plan, write and publish our very own stories, based on the text!
To help us retell the story, we took part in a helicopter story and performed the story from beginning to end! This really helped us to recall key events in the story and we had so much fun getting on ‘stage’, creating sound effects in the audience and getting into character!
This term in maths, we will start by focusing on shape. We will look at both 2D and 3D shapes, learning the names and properties of a range of shapes. We will then move on to money. In this topic, the children will learn about the different values of the coins and notes and how to use these to make different amounts of money. They will then spend time learning about how to give change in coins and notes. Then, we will begin multiplication. We will use manipulatives to make groups of amounts, then use this understanding to learn repeated addition.
Phonics This term, we will continue to follow the Monster Phonics programme to reinforce our knowledge of all phonemes and graphemes. This term, we will focus predominantly on spelling rules, reading and writing High Frequency Words and introduce a range of grammatical terminology.
This term in Science, we will be exploring properties of materials. We will work scientifically to carry out investigations and will use the outdoors to take our investigations further!
Art and Design
We have been learning about famous sculptors and how they have made sculptures using different materials. This half term, we planned and used tools to implement techniques to make our own clay sea creature sculptures!
We had a superb day dressed as rock stars and dancing along to RockKidz when they visited us in February!
Spring term
This term our focus is Dance and Ball Skills. In Dance, our theme is ‘The Secret Garden’, and ‘The Circus’. We have had so much fun learning different ways we can move our body to tell a story, and have enjoyed creating our own dances with our friends to create and tell a story to an audience using a range of shapes and different levels. Here we are mirroring our partners moves, counting to the beat of 8 to perform a routine, and practicing our dribbling and stopping skills!
Autumn term
Our focus this term was Gymnastics and Fitness! Here we are practicing some of our newly taught Cricket skills!
We will continue with our digital photography before moving on to programming next term. This unit develops our understanding of instructions in sequences and the use of logical reasoning to predict outcomes. We have had so much fun using iPads to take photographs and investigating how lighting, editing and the positioning of the camera can have an impact on our photographs.
Here are some of the lovely photographs the children took of each other!
Chinese New Year
We recognised and celebrated Chinese New Year this year by learning about the year of the snake and what this symbolises. We created our own lanterns and snakes!
Careers Day
We were super excited to dive into our fancy dress box and dress up as the career we thrive to do when we grow up! We shared our thoughts about why we want to do the job we want to and enjoyed participating in role play to act out jobs our careers will involve!
Autumn term
It’s Chriiiiiiiistmaaaaas!
We had so much fun during the Christmas period at school! We performed a brilliant Nativity called ‘The Boogie Woogie Nativity’, ate a tasty Christmas dinner wearing hats we made, laughed lots when we watched Sleeping Beauty at the pantomime and took part in ‘Elf Day’ to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society.
Peartree Spring Primary School
Hydean Way
© 2021 Peartree Spring Primary School