Desert Class 21-22

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Our Class Representatives are

Helen as Desert School Council Rep

Erin as Desert Eco Rep

Amir as Desert Right Respecting Rep

Our Spring topic is Rotten Romans!


This term we are reading ‘Mini Rabbit Not Lost’ by John Bond. A fantastic and fun book but does not contain many words to describe the beautiful illustrations. We are going to be using a range of grammar skills to create our own stories. We will be using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, prepositions, verbs and including dialogue using inverted commas.

Fluency: Fluency sessions will consolidate and ‘overlearn’ key skills from Key Stage 1 so that they are  kept fresh and used correctly throughout all work.

Handwriting: We will have daily handwriting sessions that will teach the children correct letter formation, joins and how to use a pen correctly.

Spelling and Phonics: We will begin Year 3 by consolidating our phonics knowledge using Monster phonics. We will address any gaps in learning and assess their understanding of High Frequency words too. We will move on to Year 3 Spellings after half term.


Number: We will use a range of manipulatives and models to support the children with place value and their understanding of the number system.

This term we have been looking at column addition and subtraction

Fluency: During fluency sessions, we will address any gaps in learning from last spring and summer and build on this knowledge to meet Year 3 expectations. Theses sessions will be quick games and lots of fun for everyone but are vital for the children during this unusual time.

Shape: Towards the end of this half term, we will explore 2D and 3D shapes, rotation and direction.

Times tables:

The children will be encouraged to use TTRockstars to build their speed and fluency with their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We will begin to learn our 3 and 6 times tables in class and strengthen recall with TTRockstars and other games.

Understanding Science and Technology


This week is Science Week and we have been looking at Space. We will be using sundials to track to track the Earth’s rotation, which also links nicely to our previous Light topic.



This term we will be looking at ROCKS! We will be looking at different types of rocks and soil and learn about how they are formed.


We will create our own moving Vesuvius puppets using linkages and pivot points.


We will be learning how to use specific search engine results to create our own Roman Quiz games on Scratch.

Understanding the World


We will learn about natural disasters and how to prepare for a volcano eruption. We will learn survival techniques and how natural disasters can impact the lives of others.


We will explore Roman history by learning about key people and events. We will explore the role of different people on Roman society, including Roman Soldiers.


Identity and Belonging – Belonging to a family, a community; challenges and religious leadership


Hola! We will learn how to name fruit and vegetables and explain our likes and dislikes in Spanish.

Understanding our Health and Well-Being


We will be learning different techniques in Dance this term. We will learn balances, sequences and timings


We will be learning about ‘Dreams and Goals’ and discussing how we can achieve these.

Understanding Arts and Culture


We will create volcano prints by explore printing techniques through the work of Hokusai


We will explore musicals and how they create drama in music before making our own Roman marching chants.



Peartree Spring Primary School
Hydean Way

© 2021 Peartree Spring Primary School

Get in touch

01438 233900

Headteacher - Mrs Teresa Skeggs