Desert Class 23-24

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Stars of the Week

Our star of the week last week was Archie for his wonderful progression in our violin lessons.

Our star of the week this week is Rosie for working hard to learn the names of 10 ice creams in Spanish.  

Maths Stars

Last week: Kara

This week: Evie-Mae

Reading Star

Last week: Zain

This week: Laila

Check out some lovely pictures of our recent events in Desert class!

Children in Need 2023


Our Class Wreath

The outpouring of joy, when the end of WWII was announced, was seen throughout the world. There were many VE day parties and commemorative monuments built to celebrate the end of the fighting and the hope that nothing like it would happen again.
Here is our wonderful class wreath dedicated to VE day! 

Remembrance Stones

In Year 3, we designed and painted our own ‘remembrance stones’ for that you would find in a memorial garden.

Year 3 Trip


What will we learning in the Summer term? 



Peartree Spring Primary School
Hydean Way

© 2021 Peartree Spring Primary School

Get in touch

01438 233900

Headteacher - Mrs Teresa Skeggs