Coral Class 21-22

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Our topic this half term will be ‘Lost in Time.’  We will soon begin production of our Year Five performance which we are very much looking forward to sharing with you later in the term. We are also very excited about taking part in our school celebrations to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.


We will begin by exploring fiction from our literary heritage where we will be looking closely at the works of Shakespeare – specifically Macbeth. We will be exploring the themes of the story and writing our own version. We will also be writing persuasively to encourage people to visit Ancient Greece as well as writing a report about the Ancient Greek Gods. We will be looking at a range of Greek Myths and creating our own. We will continue to have Guided Reading sessions daily.

We will also be reading a range of rich texts, including non fiction, that link to our topic.

We will continue to follow our No Nonsense Spelling scheme and continue to use

Monster Phonics to reinforce our understanding of sounds.


We will be identifying 3d shapes from their 2d representations. We will be exploring reflection and translation. We will be estimating, measuring and ordering angles as well as identifying  unknown angles. We will move on to using formal Methods for Division and Multiplication in increasingly complex problems and securing strategies for Multiplication and Division (mental and written.)  Daily fluency sessions will also develop our rapid recall and fluency in number facts and calculation. Please do make use of the TT Rockstars app to reinforce fluency of times tables.

Understanding Science and Technology

Science: We will be studying Living Things and their Habitats, including life cycles of animals including mammals, amphibians, insects and birds. We will look at reproduction in plants and some animals.

Computing: We will be designing and programming our own games using selection and variables skills.

Understanding Arts and Culture

Art: We will be using clay to master use of texture, form and space. We will study sculpture from Ancient Greece as well as significant artists such as Rodin.

We are also looking forward to taking part in some celebrations to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Music: We have been exploring music audio over time. Once Mr Cawley got over the fact that most of Coral did not know what a cassette was, he has been showing them how Cassettes, LPs, CDs and iPods have been used through the years. Coral have worked very hard to make their own leaflets detailing music audio through time.

Understanding the World

Geography: We will be undertaking a mini project where we will compare mountains in the UK, Europe and North or South America

RE: We will be looking at sacred texts and stories, exploring the ideas of justice and fairness and reflecting on ethics, including right and wrong.

Spanish: We will be exploring the vocabulary associated with Habitats.

History:  We will start with our ‘Groovy Greeks’ project where we will learn all about Greek life and achievements, the influence on Western World and one or more significant figures.

Understanding our Health and Well-Being

PE: We will be developing our skills in Cricket and Athletics. We will also of course be practising the skills required to compete at Sports Day.

PSHE: We will be looking at the Jigsaw topic of Relationships and Using Technology safely.




Peartree Spring Primary School
Hydean Way

© 2021 Peartree Spring Primary School

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01438 233900

Headteacher - Mrs Teresa Skeggs