Amazon Class 22-23

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Welcome to Amazon Class!

Our teacher is Miss McBride and our teaching assistant is Mrs Tyack!


Our Class Reps are… 

Our Class Sports Reps are…

Recent Events in the Summer Term…

Recent Events in the Spring Term…


Career Day 2023

Recent Events in the Autumn Term…

Christmas Jumper Day 2022

Elf Day 2022

Children in Need 2022

Anti-Bullying Week 2022


(Check back here to see some of the amazing Blackout Poems that we created in Amazon class!)

Our Class Wreath 

In year 4, we explored the animals who were also part of WWI and WWII. We were fascinated by how everyday animals had a huge impact on the war itself and how they helped the soldiers. Here is our wonderful class wreath dedicated to the soldiers and the animals who served in the war. 

Feather Sketching

This week, we decided to try our hands at sketching bird feathers. We carefully examined the different parts and explored the level of detail shading and different line styles can make. 

Here we have some beautiful chalk outline artwork we made in Amazon class. 

To celebrate Harvest Festival, year 4 spent some time creating some beautiful artwork of winter scenes and the traditional folk figure ”’Jack Frost’. We were inspired by Claude Monet and used his impressionism art style to recreate scenes about winter time.  

Time to be TTRockstars!

Stars of the Week

Noah is our Star of the Week this for his amazing work in correctly identifying which possessive adjective goes with each classroom object.

Jovanni was one of our Stars of the Week last week for always being a kind and helpful friend to everyone!

Pheonix was one our Stars of of the Week last week for creating his own wonderful non-chronological report on green turtles! 

Maths Stars


Jaycob & Layla (last week)

Reading Star


Dixon (last week) 



We will begin the second half the summer term focusing on decimals. We will build upon our previous knowledge of fractions to help support us as we learn how to convert fractions into decimals (and vice versa). We will also use our place value knowledge as we learn how to partition decimals effectively and how to divide 1-digit and 2-digit numbers by 10 and 100.

Understanding Science and Technology


The topic for science this term is all about vertebrates and invertebrates! We will begin by learning to how group different organisms  based on different characteristics, such as if it is an animal, where it lives or if it has certain physical features. We will then learn how to identify vertebrates and invertebrates by using a classification key.


In computing, we will look at programming. We will learn to use different programming tools and software as well as learn different short-key commands to use during programming. Here are some of the commands we will look at: FD (forward), RT (turn right) and PU (pen up).


Our DT lessons this term is inspired by Miss McBride’s favourite week on The Great British Bake Off: Bread Week! We will begin by delving into the history of Warburtons (one of the UK’s most popular bread brands) before taking on the challenge of designing and making our own bread!

Understanding Art and Culture


In Art this term, we have been inspired by the famous Pop Artist Andy Warhol. We have looked at some of the different techniques he used to create his masterpieces and have had a go at recreating them! Here are some of Amazon’s re-creation of his iconic ‘Campbells Soup’ picture:

Pop back for some more Warhol inspired work!


Throughout this term, we will be continuing to build on our knowledge and understanding of sound and how different sounds are produced by different instruments including our own voices. We will expand our knowledge of musical vocabulary as well by exploring new musical instruments such as ‘aerophone’, ‘chordophone’, ‘membranophone’, ‘idiophone’ and ‘beatbox’.

Understanding our Health and Well-Being


Our new Jigsaw unit for this term is all about how we change. As the end of year 4 draws near, we will spend this term exploring how we prepare for changes that we know are coming and how to accept changes that we may not want. We will also learn about the physical changes our bodies go through as we grow up.


In PE this term, we will be learning all about Netball and Athletics! We will explore all the different skills needed within a netball game, such as the different passes and the different positions needed in a team. We will then move onto to developing our skills in Athletics as sports day fast approaches!

Understanding the World


This term, we are continuing to explore how Britain was conquered by its early settlers. In the last term, we explored the Anglo-Saxons, Picts and the Scots. Now we are learning about the…


In the Summer Term, we have built upon our prior maths knowledge of co-ordinates to help us learn all about maps! We will begin by learn about the different symbols commonly found on a map before moving onto learning about grid references!



This term we will our Spanish learning about what is inside our classroom! We will  begin by learning the Spanish names for twelve everyday objects before moving on to exploring the possessive adjectives ‘mi’ and ‘mis’ which will allow or more personalised responses to questions. We will recap our learning of the positive sentence structure ‘Tengo…’ (I have…) and use it to help us understand the negative structure ‘No tengo…’ (I do not have…)

In Spring 2, we are going to explore some of the different habitats in the world and what animals live (viven) and plants grow (crecen) there. We will be introduced to brand new vocabulary linked to the different animals and plants as well as real-world examples of the common habitats.

In Spring 1, we are going to learn how to answer this question: ¿Dónde vives? (Where do you live?) We will be introduced to brand new vocabulary, such as the different places we could live as well as the different rooms we may have in our homes.

In the Autumn 2, we explored La Familia and learned how to read and say the different things about our families, such as the nouns of each family member as well as how to say how many brothers and sisters.

In Autumn 1 learned how to introduce ourselves in Spanish. We learned how to ask and respond to key phrases such as:

Home Learning

In line with the rest of the school, we encourage your child to spend time reading at home each evening. This can be recorded in their Reading Record by an adult or by the child.

As the Multiplication Test occurs at the end of Year 4, we encourage your child to spend 10 minutes each evening practising their skills by playing TTRockstars.

Each Friday, we set homework on Google Classroom. We post a selection of activities and ask that your child has a go at completing three different activities. They should spend no more than 20 minutes on each activity.

Link to Google Classroom

Water bottles

We ask that your child brings a named water bottle to school each day. These are kept by our sink so that your child has free access to them throughout the day. Your child can refill their bottle at one of the water fountains when they need to.

PE kits

We ask that your child has their PE kit in school each day of the week as our timetable is subject to change due to the weather and the availability of space. In line with our school uniform policy, they require a pair of plain blue jogging bottoms for the winter months as we may have our lesson outside.



Peartree Spring Primary School
Hydean Way

© 2021 Peartree Spring Primary School

Get in touch

01438 233900

Headteacher - Mrs Teresa Skeggs