Welcome to Savannah Class.
Your teacher is Mrs Sinclair and your TA is Miss Smith.
Meet the class…
Welcome to The Florist role play area this term…
Number: We will start our term by using formal methods to solve multiplication and division problems. We will then learn how to find unit and non unit fractions of amounts and shapes. We will also look at equivalent fractions and play games to consolidate these skills.
Moving towards the end of this half term, we will explore measurement in a range of contexts and learn how to solve perimeter problems.
Fluency: During fluency sessions, we will address any gaps in that still remain whilst also over-learning or deepening the children’s understanding of key concepts. Theses sessions will be quick games and lots of fun for everyone but are vital for the children’s learning and retention of important areas of mathematics.
We are reading ‘Dear Greenpeace’ as part of Science week.
We will create non-chronological reports this half term and explore this non-fiction text type. We will explore and learn all the features needed in a non-chronological reports before creating our own reports about pirate. We will use this opportunity to support our deepening of Year 3 grammar, spelling and creative writing skills.
Later in this half term, we will be continue to explore Dick King Smith’s fantastic tale of ‘The Finger Eater’.
In Guided reading sessions, Children will further their decoding, comprehension and retrieval skills in guided and independent groups.
Fluency: Fluency sessions will consolidate and ‘over-learn’ key skills from Key Stage 1 and Autumn term Year 3 so that they are kept fresh and used correctly throughout all work.
Handwriting: We will have daily handwriting sessions that will teach the children correct letter formation, joins and how to use a pen correctly.
Spellings: We will continue to consolidate our phonics knowledge through Guided reading sessions and continue to learn Year 3 spellings weekly.
Science: Plants! We will look at the parts of flowering plants and explain their function. We will learn how to look after our own seedlings and what the plants need to thrive and survive. Through practical investigations and close observations, we will learn how water is transported by plants before learning how plants reproduce and transport seeds.
DT: We will explore jewellery from a range of different times and places, concentrating on Iron Age necklaces to link with our History topic. We will design and create our own wire and stone necklaces, learning wire skills as we go.
Computing: We will learn how to use Scratch, creating algorithms, spotting issues and fixing bugs as we go.
History: We will explore The Stone Age and Iron Age this term. We will look at how people lived, what life was like for different groups of people and some key historical events and places of this time.
Geography: We will explore our local area and how the land is used. We will then look at how Stevenage has changed over time, culminating in our own designs for Stevenage and our local area.
R.E. We will learn about the similarities and differences between Christianity and Hinduism., learning about different sacred stories and traditions as we go.
Spanish: We will learn how to say and talk about different musical instruments to compliment our Music topic.
We are looking at the art work of Van Gogh and how he used paint and pastels to create expressive painting of landscapes and flowers.
Have a sneak peek at our sketch books…
Music:We will be using ‘Music Express’ to learn how to follow and create rhythms, beats and compositions in a range of different music styles.
We will continue to explore new musical instruments throughout this project and improve our listening skills.
PE: We will begin swimming lessons this term along with tennis skills/ ball games.
Savannah Class will swim every Friday afternoon.
PSHCE: ‘Relationships’ is our first Summer topic and we will concentrate on positive friendships and healthy relationships with family, friends and peers.
Peartree Spring Primary School
Hydean Way
© 2021 Peartree Spring Primary School