
Our buddies help all our pupils to feel valued and supported. Buddies help to promote friendship and fun outside on the playground and across the school.  They help to foster the caring and nurturing ethos that is so important and valued at our school.

Buddies are beneficial for both younger and older students. It helps children recognise their own self worth and importance, giving them the opportunity to take on leadership jobs and responsibilities to support their peers.  They learn to understand the importance of community spirit and team work and how to be effective role models.  Becoming a buddy enables children to be involved in the life of the school and encourages active citizenship.

Every year, we run a Buddy Scheme election, where children can choose to enrol as a buddy. They are required to fill in an application form for the job, stating why they think they would be suitable. The aim of the scheme is to encourage children to be good role models and it plays an important part in creating a safe, friendly, happy and peaceful atmosphere for children across the school. They proudly wear special buddy bibs and are designated specific areas for their duty.

The main focus for the Buddy Scheme is for the Year 5  children to support the youngest members of our school community. The buddies from Year 5 helping our  Reception and KS1 children with the lunchtime routines in the dining room and on the playground.

Buddies aim to:

  • make our playgrounds a pleasant place to be for everyone.
  • be a friendly face if children are lonely, have no-one to play with or need to talk about a matter that is worrying them.
  • support younger children in the dining area
  • help young children to put their shoes and coats on ready to go outside
  • guide young children into the playground along with their teachers
  • setting up games at playtime and lunchtime
  • playing games and reading books to younger children
  • encouraging younger children to solve conflicts and strengthen their friendship


Peartree Spring Primary School
Hydean Way

© 2021 Peartree Spring Primary School

Get in touch

01438 233900

Headteacher - Mrs Teresa Skeggs