Awards and Accreditations

TES Primary School of the Year

The TES School Awards recognise the very best teachers and schools from the UK. This includes early years settings, primary schools and secondary schools. The judging panel is comprised of school leaders, education experts and education researchers. There are 16,791 eligible primary schools. We were overjoyed to be shortlisted for the top 8 and then euphoric to learn that we’d won.

Inclusion Quality Mark - Flagship School Award

Only around 100 UK schools have achieved IQM Flagship School status. This award recognises those unique schools who have held IQM Centre of Excellence status for at least 3 years; and played a strong leadership role in developing inclusion best practice across a network of schools.

Here is our latest accreditation report

Assessor’s Evaluation for the IQM Flagship Project 2023-24

Please visit the IQM website for more information about this prestigious award.

Rights Respecting School Gold Award

The Rights Respecting Schools Award puts children’s rights at the heart of schools in the UK.  Gold Rights Respecting is the highest level of the Award and is granted to schools that have fully embedded the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into their ethos and curriculum. The accreditation is valid for a period of three years.  You can find out more information about this award by visiting their website.

Primary Science Quality Mark Silver Award

We are committed to:

  • Raising the profile of science in primary schools.
  • Developing science leadership, teaching and learning.
  • Celebrating excellence in primary science.
  • Collaborating with external agencies to enhance science teaching and learning.
  • Follow current pedagogical practice in primary science.

For more information on the PSQM award, please visit their website.

Artsmark Award

The Artsmark Award is the only creative quality standard for schools and education settings, accredited by Arts Council England.  They support settings to develop and celebrate their commitment to arts and cultural education.  To find out more information about the Artsmark Award, please visit the Arts and Culture Faculty section of our website or go directly to

International School Award

The International School Award rewards schools that have shown a commitment to embedding international awareness and understanding within their class or school.  The International School Award is available in 16 countries and is well-regarded by school inspection bodies and ministries of education globally.  At Peartree we are committed to:

  • completing collaborative, curriculum-based work with international partner schools.
  • involvement in the wider global community.
  • developing new and creative ways to embed international education in our school.

Visit our Understanding the World Faculty page on this website to find out more about our global partnership work with Adarsha English Boarding Secondary School in Nepal.  You can find out more about the International School Award by visiting this website

Gold School Games Mark 2022/23

The School Games Mark is a government-led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and within the community. Participating in this process allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and assists them in developing an action plan for future progress.  Please visit our Health and Wellbeing Faculty page for more information about the many sporting awards that our school have won over recent years.  You can find out more information about The School Games Mark by visiting their website

MODESHIFT Stars Sustainable Travel Award

Modeshift STARS is the national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. The scheme encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of children and young people.

Wellbeing Award for Schools

This award recognises that nurturing good mental health and wellbeing sits at the heart of our school life.  We are committed to:

  • Actively promoting emotional wellbeing and mental health for our staff.
  • Ensuring that emotional wellbeing and mental health is regarded as the responsibility of all.
  • Offering high-quality, ongoing professional development so our staff feel confident responding to pupils’ needs.
  • Working with the whole-school community to support emotional wellbeing and mental health.
  •  A clear strategy that promotes and protects emotional wellbeing and mental health.
  • Ensuring systems and external partnerships are in place to support different types of emotional and mental health needs

Peartree Spring Primary School
Hydean Way

© 2021 Peartree Spring Primary School

Get in touch

01438 233900

Headteacher - Mrs Teresa Skeggs